Saturday, 2 February 2008

A week in the life of...

Things I’ve done this week (apart from getting aforementioned big news!):

* Met with the people behind Wedge, a loyalty card for local shops which aims to get people shopping with independent retailers more and more – hopefully going to get involved with them in some way to help them grow.

* Been to a Junior Chamber London members meeting (young professionals networking & professional development). The main subject was how to manage email more effectively. Some useful tips and things to think about. Apparently email traffic doubles every two years.

* Continued co-ordinating a conference in the Highlands!

* Done lots of hard thinking and writing for research I’m working on into “Social Return on Investment” (a way of placing a financial value on the social impact of organisations).

* Watched the first DVD in 24 series 6 (have just joined lovefilm).

* Listened to far, far too much radio 2 and eventually re-tuned to BBC 6 Music after I couldn't take any more middle England twaddle and twitter

* Cried while watching a short film about Cyrenians Farm, which I helped to support in my last job

* Been running three times, 22.5 miles in total.

* Got a letter from my lovely friend Will, who’s only got a few months left in Tanzania. It made me really miss him and I can’t wait to catch up when he gets back.

* Drank too much wine in the Founders Arms
last night and had a loud, drunken and pointless debate with Kevin on the way home about the potential for drowning in the Thames.

All in all, fairly busy and now I'm looking forward to an evening of watching mindless TV and eating spicy meatballs courtesy of my fabulous partner! Also looking forward to a visit from my brother tomorrow.

1 comment:

GB X said...

PS Have you tuned in to Radio Magic?